Ю. І. Мельнікова
DOI: 10.32702/2306-6792.2020.9.127
УДК: 330.322
Ю. І. Мельнікова
Розроблено методологію вирішення завдання планування парку транспортних засобів з урахуванням вартості очікування пасажира. Мета цієї методології — мінімізувати розмір парку і скоротити час очікування пасажирів. Підхід з використанням функції дефіциту (DF) застосовується для реалізації зсуву часу відправлення (SDT) і зупинок (DH), щоб мінімізувати розмір парку. З метою мінімізувати як експлуатаційні витрати транспортного засобу, так і вартість очікування пасажира введена функція оптимізації. Для практичної реалізації результатів дослідження була застосована інформація про продаж квитків компанії з міжнародних пасажирських перевезень. Результати показують, що загальна вартість може бути зменшена на 25% в порівнянні з поточними графіками. Числові результати показали, що реалізована на практиці методологія здатна вирішити масштабну проблему оптимізації організації транзитної мережі.
Ключові слова: автотранспортний потік; якість обслуговування; транзитна мережа; функція оптимізація; експлуатаційні витрати.
1. Aldred R., Elliott B., Woodcock J. & Goodman A. (2017). Cycling provision separated from motor traffic: a systematic review exploring whether stated preferences vary by gender and age. Transport reviews, 37 (1), 29—55.
2. Сejka J. (2016). Transport Planning Realized Through the Optimization Methods. Procedia engineering, 161, 1187—1196.
3. Gоssling S. (2016). Urban transport justice. Journal of transport Geography, 54, 1—9.
4. Mueller N., Rojas-Rueda D., Basagana, X., Cirach M., Cole-Hunter T., Dadvand P.,... & Tonne C. (2017). Health impacts related to urban and transport planning: a burden of disease assessment. Environment international, 107, 243—257.
5. Newman P., Kosonen L. & Kenworthy J. (2016). Theory of urban fabrics: Planning the walking, transit/public transport and automobile/motor car cities for reduced car dependency. Town Planning Review, 87 (4), 429—458.
6. Nieuwenhuijsen M. J. (2018). Influence of urban and transport planning and the city environment on cardiovascular disease. Nature reviews cardiology, 15 (7), 432—438.
7. Nieuwenhuijsen M. & Khreis H. (2019). Urban and Transport planning, environment and health. In Integrating Human Health into Urban and Transport Planning (pp. 3—16). Springer, Cham.
8. Pryor E.G. (2019). 3 Parallel development of strategic land-use and transport planning: the case of the Territorial Development Strategy. Land-use / Transport Planning in Hong Kong: A Review of Principles and Practices.
Yu. Melnikova
Traffic management issues are extremely important for Ukrainian transport companies. This is due to a reduction in international passenger traffic, which is systematic and requires full analysis using scientific methods and including a modeling process. Traffic flow modeling is an effective tool for improving and optimizing transport systems and improving the quality of transport services. From a theoretical and practical point of view, modeling of transport flows is so relevant that a large number of publications in foreign and domestic literature are devoted to this issue. The task of optimizing the traffic flow was implemented on the basis of data from the reporting of ticket sales of the transport company for international transport "East West Eurolines " for 2018-2019 on the flight Kiev-Wroclaw.
Data about the company's available resources is used to build model constraints. The target function takes into account the operating costs that accompany the flight and the reputational losses that will be taken into account in the deficit function. The model in this study is based on the deficit function and the costs that arise in the activities of passenger transport enterprises. The target function of the model takes into account the operating costs that accompany the trip and the reputational losses that were included in the deficit function. The approach of taking into account the existing shortage of vehicles is used to implement changes in travel schedules, stops made by drivers during the flight, and to minimize the size of the bus fleet. In this work, we developed a methodology for solving the problem of planning a fleet of vehicles taking into account the cost of waiting for a passenger. The goal of this methodology is to minimize the size of the fleet and reduce the waiting time for passengers. The deficit function (DF) approach is used to implement departure time shifts (SDT) and stops (DH) to minimize the size of the fleet. In order to minimize both the operating costs of the vehicle and the cost of waiting for a passenger, an optimization function has been introduced. For practical implementation of the results of the study, information on the sale of tickets for international passenger transport companies was applied. The Results show that the total cost can be reduced by 25% compared to the current schedules. Numerical results have shown that the methodology implemented in practice can solve a large-scale problem of optimizing the organization of the transit network.
Keywords: traffic flow; quality of service; transit network; optimization function; operating costs.
1. Aldred, R. Elliott, B. Woodcock, J. and Goodman, A. (2017), "Cycling provision separated from motor traffic: a systematic review exploring whether stated preferences vary by gender and age", Transport reviews, vol. 37 (1), pp. 29—55.
2. Сejka, J. (2016), "Transport Planning Realized Through the Optimization Methods", Procedia engineering, vol. 161, pp. 1187—1196.
3. Gоssling, S. (2016), "Urban transport justice", Journal of transport Geography, vol.54, pp. 1—9.
4. Mueller, N. Rojas-Rueda, D. Basagana, X. Cirach, M. Cole-Hunter, T. Dadvand, P. and Tonne, C. (2017), "Health impacts related to urban and transport planning: a burden of disease assessment", Environment international, vol.107, pp. 243—257.
5. Newman, P. Kosonen, L. and Kenworthy, J. (2016), "Theory of urban fabrics: Planning the walking, transit/public transport and automobile/motor car cities for reduced car dependency", Town Planning Review, vol. 87 (4), pp. 429—458.
6. Nieuwenhuijsen, M. J. (2018), "Influence of urban and transport planning and the city environment on cardiovascular disease", Nature reviews cardiology, vol. 15 (7), pp. 432—438.
7. Nieuwenhuijsen, M. and Khreis, H. (2019), "Urban and Transport planning, environment and health", Integrating Human Health into Urban and Transport Planning, Springer, Cham, pp. 3—16.
8. Pryor, E. G. (2019), "Parallel development of strategic land-use and transport planning: the case of the Territorial Development Strategy", Land-use/Transport Planning in Hong Kong: A Review of Principles and Practices.
№ 9 2020, стор. 127 - 130
Дата публікації: 2020-05-20
Кількість переглядів: 1073